UK Road Safe

The challenge was to build an easy to use app, fast on both hand-held devices and desktops / laptops. The app should let users to report any road crime or bad driving by giving some basic details such as car make, colour, what is happening and so on.

For the beginning, the app will allow anyone to report bad driving or inappropriate behavior on the road.

In the next development stages, the app will allow only the registered users to report bad driving, access all reports and post answers. Unregistered users will have access to a limited number of reports and will not be able to answer to or post a report.

I decide to use my own CSS grid for this application because my grid can guarantee speed and stability for any small or medium web app. The responsive design makes the app available on all kind of devices with improved usability. Anyway, a progressive web app (PWA) will be provided on the website soon.

I also decide to use PHP and MySQL for this application and to keep the database architecture simple for all stages.

Instead of building separate native apps (e.g. for iOS or Android) I prefer to build a PWA. I chose the PWA as this can help a web app become as capable as a native app, without giving out the reach of the web.

In implementing the layout for this application, I used my own CSS framework, as I already said earlier. I prefer to use my own CSS grid when possible because I can ensure the speed, stability and robustness of the web applications and websites I develop. With my CSS grid along other website improvements and some .htaccess hacks, all the websites I develop are going above the 96 Speed Mark on Page Speed Insights.

Have a look at the images below and see how the Page Speed Insight Mobile Score and Desktop Score are both 100. Imagine this, while most websites won’t even reach a score of 25!


Posted on

May 4, 2023

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